
Showing posts from July, 2021

Un[REDACTED] SCP 1459 - The Puppy Machine

 We all need a break every now and then.  I'll be back with new episodes in September. 

Un[REDACTED] SCP 1123 - Atrocity Skull

We all need a break every now and then.  I'll be back with new episodes in September. 

Un[REDACTED] SCP 3026 - Fashionable Neurovore

 We all need a break every now and then.  I'll be back with new episodes in September. 

Un[REDACTED] SCP 1027 - Carnivorous CNS

 We all need a break now and then.  I'll be back with new episodes in September. 

Un[REDACTED] SCP 024-FR - U Can Totali Swalo Dat

We all need a break now and then.  I'll be back with new episodes in September. 

Un[REDACTED] SCP Tale - A Terrible Thing

We all need a break now and then.  I'll be back with new episodes in September. 

Un[REDACTED] Outtake Reel 4666 5330 5352 6169

 All those bad takes have to go somewhere. they are. 

Un[REDACTED] SCP 6169 - [DATA UNEXPUNGED] - Grass Mud Horse

SCP 6169 located here . Credit to original author hungrypossum Early access available to patrons at

Un[REDACTED] SCP 5352 - Absence

SCP 5352 located here . Credit to original author ihp Early access available to patrons at

Un[REDACTED] SCP 5330 - Look Away, Look Away

SCP 5330 located here . Credit to original author dr-schubert Early access available to patrons at

Un[REDACTED] SCP 4666 - The Yule Man

Well, this is Episode 200. I wondered what it would feel like.   Feels like a Friday. Like I've done something 200 times. Wow.   Thanks for sticking around! I'm looking forward to the next...who knows how many.   SCP 4666 located here . Credit to original author hercules-rockefeller Early access available to patrons at

Un[REDACTED] 413 - Endless Garage

SCP 413 located here . Credit to original author spoonofevil Early access available to patrons at

Un[REDACTED] SCP Tale - Introductory Antimemetics

Introductory Antimemetics located   here . Credit to original author qntm Artwork by SunnyClockwork  

Un[REDACTED] SCP 6140 - The True Empire

SCP 6140 located here . Credit to original authors stormbreath and aismallard Early access available to patrons at Artwork by SunnyClockwork

Un[REDACTED] SCP 1703 - Slightly Radioactive Lightbulb

SCP 1703 located here . Credit to original author carboncore Early access available to patrons at Artwork by SunnyClockwork

Un[REDACTED] SCP 3199 - Humans, Refuted

SCP 3199 located here . Credit to original author bittermixin Early access available to patrons at Artwork by SunnyClockwork

Un[REDACTED] SCP 3127 - Nineteen Year Old Jessica Lambert And A Female Pig Of Abnormal Size, Forever

SCP 3127 located here . Credit to original author tanhony Early access available to patrons at Artwork by SunnyClockwork

Un[REDACTED] SCP 140 - An Incomplete Chronicle

SCP 140 located here . Credit to original author assertiveroland Early access available to patrons at Artwork by SunnyClockwork

Un[REDACTED] SCP Tale - The Stars do not Wait for You

The Stars do not Wait for You located   here . Credit to original author dmatix

Un[REDACTED] SCP 6111 - Memoria

SCP 6111 located here . Credit to original author felixou Early access available to patrons at

Un[REDACTED] SCP 2329 - …But Nobody's Home

SCP 2329 located here . Credit to original author gishface Early access available to patrons at

Un[REDACTED] SCP 3063 - A fly

SCP 3063 located here . Credit to original author dr-solo Early access available to patrons at

Un[REDACTED] SCP 1155 - Predatory Street Art

SCP 1155 located here . Credit to original author realityglitch Early access available to patrons at

Un[REDACTED] SCP 498 - 11 Minute Snooze

SCP 498 located here . Credit to original author evictedsaint Early access available to patrons at

Un[REDACTED] SCP Tale - We Need To Talk About Fifty-Five

We Need To Talk About Fifty-Five located   here . Credit to original author qntm

Un[REDACTED] SCP 5791 - Coughing Up Concrete

SCP 5791 located here . Credit to original author dreverettmann Early access available to patrons at

Un[REDACTED] SCP 1983 - Doorway to Nowhere

SCP 1983 located here . Credit to original author dreverettmann Early access available to patrons at